

    The beauty of studying online is your ability to apply to start studying at any one of the eight start dates available in a year. In order to confirm entry into your desired programme, once you have received an acceptance letter, payment will be required. Payments are on a pay-per-course basis, however payment must reflect on the UPSA student account before you will be able to register.

Fees for 2024r

How to write a scientific article

  • Fees disclaimer
  • Total Fees:
  • Total Offering Credit:
  • Total Modules:

HR is changing

  • Fees disclaimer
  • Total Fees:
  • Total Offering Credit:
  • Total Modules:

Is getting an MBA worth it in 2025?

  • Fees disclaimer
  • Total Fees:
  • Total Offering Credit:
  • Total Modules:

Manage stress to be successful

  • Fees disclaimer
  • Total Fees:
  • Total Offering Credit:
  • Total Modules:

What you need to become a teacher

  • Fees disclaimer
  • Total Fees:
  • Total Offering Credit:
  • Total Modules:

Steps to study online

  • Fees disclaimer
  • Total Fees:
  • Total Offering Credit:
  • Total Modules:

Fees for 2023


Important: The total tuition fees due for the module should be paid in full before registration will be allowed.


A credit card is the recommended payment option. Payments made with a credit card (e-payments) will reflect on your student account immediately.


Update this information.

Electronic fund transfers (EFT)

Update as necessary.


Update with relevant information.

Debit cards

Update with relevant information.


You can cancel your studies in a particular programme or module by official notification thereof before the dates determined by the university.
Students can cancel their studies in a particular programme or module by submitting an official notification to the relevant faculty officer before the university determines the dates.


If you cancel your registration before the end of the first week of the module, you will be entitled to a refund of 90% of the module fee OR to a credit of 90% of the module fee.


If you cancel your registration before the end of the second week of the module, you will be entitled to a refund of 50% of the module fee OR a credit or 50% of the module fee.


A credit will be allocated to your student account automatically on receipt of your cancellation. Credit into the student account will be given automatically on cancellation. HOWEVER, a refund will only be paid out to the student on receipt of a completed refund application. If you fail to notify the university officially of your cancellation of a module after the end of the second week, you will not be entitled to any reimbursement or credit of the module fee, resulting in no refund or credit for any cancellations in any subsequent running module.

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Don’t miss out, study online.


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