{subtext=MBA Business Management, university=UPSA, page_title=MBA Business Management, description=

The aim of the MBA Business Management is to develop the capacity of students with expertise to manage businesses in several industries and sectors of various economies. The specific objectives of this MBA are to:
1. Equip students with skills to apply strategic management principles to several business operations to achieve corporate goals and objectives.
2. Equip students with competencies to integrate management concepts, principles, and methods that are essential to improve the performance of businesses.
3. Build capacity to deploy information technology tools and techniques in the use of divergent digital platforms in contemporary business management.
4. Develop an understanding of global perspectives and diversity challenges in the context of global business management.
5. Equip students with competencies for change management in organisations
6. Develop an understanding of the economic, social, and/or environmental consequences of firm operations in the communities where they operate.
7. Equip students with skills to deploy the financial and economic principles which promote and enhance the performance of businesses.

, total_offering_credit=63, tostartby=1687910400000, hs_object_source_label=IMPORT, course_type=postgraduate, maintitle=MBA Business Management, hs_object_source_id=119658550, hs_created_by_user_id=45390666, hs_createdate=1702276407122, active_course=Disable, admission_req__title1=Admission Requirements, hs_was_imported=true, id=2709099977, credit=63, fees_disclaimer=Fees quoted are 2023 fees. Fees are subject to an annual increase., admission_req__description1=
  • A Bachelors Degree in the relevant subject area; 1st class; 2nd class lower or upper. A 3rd class will be screened on a case-by-case basis.
    GTEC credential approval is required for international students.

  • 2 Years of work experience.
, meta_title=Online MBA | Business Management, total_fees=$4,100, form_id=e4105c95-95f5-4c48-bd69-67a17633b52a, featured_image=https://26606987.fs1.hubspotusercontent-eu1.net/hubfs/26606987/MBA%20in%20Business%20Management.png, module_and_credit_subtext=

The programme will be completed over 18 months.

, meta_description=Gain a competitive edge in business with an online MBA specialising in business management., hs_lastmodifieddate=1702276407122, fee_per_credit=$65, main_subtext=FULLY ONLINE, hs_object_id=2709099977, hs_object_source=IMPORT, heading_text=


, hs_object_source_user_id=45390666, applyby=1686700800000, total_modules=20, header_bg_image=https://26606987.fs1.hubspotusercontent-eu1.net/hubfs/26606987/MBA%20in%20Business%20Management-2.png, hs_updated_by_user_id=45390666, dynamic_page_slug=UPSA-MBA Business Management}


MBA Business Management

  • Days
  • Hours
  • Minutes
  • Seconds

14 June 2023
28 June 2023

MBA Business Management

The aim of the MBA Business Management is to develop the capacity of students with expertise to manage businesses in several industries and sectors of various economies. The specific objectives of this MBA are to:
1. Equip students with skills to apply strategic management principles to several business operations to achieve corporate goals and objectives.
2. Equip students with competencies to integrate management concepts, principles, and methods that are essential to improve the performance of businesses.
3. Build capacity to deploy information technology tools and techniques in the use of divergent digital platforms in contemporary business management.
4. Develop an understanding of global perspectives and diversity challenges in the context of global business management.
5. Equip students with competencies for change management in organisations
6. Develop an understanding of the economic, social, and/or environmental consequences of firm operations in the communities where they operate.
7. Equip students with skills to deploy the financial and economic principles which promote and enhance the performance of businesses.


  • A Bachelors Degree in the relevant subject area; 1st class; 2nd class lower or upper. A 3rd class will be screened on a case-by-case basis.
    GTEC credential approval is required for international students.

  • 2 Years of work experience.


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