UPSA blogs

Why study online

Written by Anneke du Toit | Jun 7, 2023 12:01:29 PM

Studying online is the newest evolution in education. Online studying had already been growing at a rapid rate before Covid struck. While the pandemic has brought massive hardship across the world, it has also drastically sped up the adoption of online learning and remote working. Lockdowns and social distancing forced many institutions to adapt their traditional, class-based learning models to blended or hybrid approaches. Before the pandemic, the biggest obstacle to the growth of online learning was that as a society there was a feeling that not having physical contact and lessons in person was a drawback. As we’ve seen, the lack of physical contact has now become a benefit. As part of this global trend, UPSA has now launched a range of online MBA courses, allowing you to obtain a fully accredited MBA from the comfort of your own home.

Benefits of online learning

There are many advantages to be enjoyed if you study online instead of through traditional contact learning methods. Thanks to mobile technology you don’t have to worry about missing the start of a lecture because of traffic or having a class cancelled because the lecturer was ill. Here are some of the main advantages of studying online.


With online learning, you can study in your own time. This means that you can continue to work and fulfil your other personal commitments at the same time. Rather than having to attend lectures in person at set times in a set location, you can study at whatever time is most convenient for you. 


Online studying makes UPSA’s courses incredibly accessible. You can graduate and become a UPSA alumni without ever actually setting foot in Accra. As all lessons are completed online and in your own time, you can save both the time and money it would have required to travel to class at set times. Once enrolled, as long as you have internet access, you will be able to work on your course at any time and from anywhere via your digital device.   


There are several economic benefits to studying online. Online courses are on average much cheaper than their traditional counterparts. This is because they are more scalable in that the school or institution can take on more students far more easily than in a traditional class where there is a need for physical infrastructure, such as lecture halls with sufficient seating, toilets, parking, security, cleaning and maintenance. The fact that you can continue working while you study makes it much easier as you do not need to save up enough to support yourself for the duration of your course. You also save on transport costs and may well also benefit from lower accommodation costs as you do not need to live, or relocate, to Accra, where the cost of living is higher than much of Ghana. You can live in a place with a far lower cost of living such as Tamale or Kumasi.   


As an online learner, you do not need to adhere to strict on-campus dress codes, as have been instituted at many Ghanaian universities. UPSA is a professional university with a proud tradition and students on campus are expected to also reflect that image through their attire. To ensure this, UPSA has a strict dress code that spans from pages 21 to 25 in the student handbook. As an online student, you can quite literally let your hair down and wear whatever you want. Working from home you can study in your dressing gown and slippers without the risk of tarnishing the professional image of the university.   

UPSA’s course structure benefits

Here at UPSA, we have structured our online learning programmes to make them flexible, accessible and affordable. Here are some of the benefits specific to learning online at UPSA.   

Multiple starting dates

Another benefit of online learning that makes it more flexible for students is the fact that you can start at different times of the year. All of UPSA’s online MBA courses have eight starting dates each year, so you can start the course at a time in the year that is convenient for you. This offers more flexibility than traditional academic courses that must usually be started at the beginning of the calendar year, or best midway through the year. Thanks to these multiple starting dates, you’ll never need to wait long to start your studies.   

Pay as you learn

Payment is structured so that you only need to pay for one module at a time. This means you do not need to pay your full course fees all at once, or even a 50% deposit. Each module runs for seven weeks, so if you are also working you will be able to save up from your monthly salary to pay your fees as they are due. FEES PAGE LINK 


UPSA’s online programmes are designed to be highly interactive. Just because you study from home doesn’t mean you need to study in isolation. Through the online learning platform, you can join discussions with fellow students where you can share your perspective and any difficulties you are having with the coursework. UPSA’s online staff members are supportive and available for questions throughout your course.

Courses on offer

UPSA has a wide variety of online MBA courses to choose from. As well as a general MBA, there are 10 different specialisations that you can choose, should you want to focus on a particular aspect to further your career.  


Get started

If all of this appeals to you and you would like to obtain a professional degree or accredited MBA from UPSA online, then please go through to our applications page to find out what you need to start your online learning journey. For information on course fees, you can go to: